Everyone knows we should all eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Just like a hundred years ago everyone knew smoking was good for you.
Hold on, am I saying fruits and vegetables are bad for you? Not exactly. What I’m saying is … [Read more…]
By Drew
Everyone knows we should all eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Just like a hundred years ago everyone knew smoking was good for you.
Hold on, am I saying fruits and vegetables are bad for you? Not exactly. What I’m saying is … [Read more…]
By Drew
Americans spend billions of dollars per year on diet pills, and the amount is growing fast: $35 billion a year in December, 2006, up to $40 billion a year by January, 2008.*
But you don’t need pills to kill your appetite, all you need to do is read about this guy Steve just before you go to lunch. You won’t be able to hold anything down. My gift to you for a Friday morning.
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By Drew
I didn’t used to think I liked guacamole. Then I had Lori’s and I realized I don’t like bad guacamole. And of course most people think they shouldn’t eat guac or avocados because of all the fat, when the truth is the carbs in chips are the real problem.
You can watch Lori and I make this on video if you’re unsure about the directions on the recipe card.
Join the undieters crew to download the printable recipe card.
By Drew
You know that little voice in the back of your head? The one that — when no one else is around to criticize — just can’t wait to tell you how you’re screwing up?
Yeah, that voice sucks. And it’s pretty stupid, too. At least 90% of what it says is clichés, about half is old wives’ tales. Some of it is harmless, like, “Don’t go swimming for an hour after eating.” It doesn’t really matter, but it’s not going to hurt you much if you follow that one.
Some of it though, you really need to ignore. [Read more…]
By Drew
I’ve seen 200 pounds of beef cooked over a spit before, so I know you can do really big meat that way. But a whole turkey falls into an awkward zone: Too big for the regular grill rotisserie, too small for the giant version.
A turkey breast, though … that you can do on the grill.
Join the undieters crew to download the printable recipe card.
By Drew
I like to cook. But even I sometimes eat out. I realized I shouldn’t assume everyone has the same reasons as me. So how about it? Why do you eat out?
By Drew
I don’t believe in diets. I mean, I know they exist, it’s not the same as saying I don’t believe in unicorns and Bigfoot. But I don’t believe they work. I could pull up all kinds of statistics to back that up, but that’s just boring. And I have much better things to bore you with.
Like mice.
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By Drew
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
And started eating Brussels sprouts. What the hell was I waiting for, these things are good!
But yeah, you might want to go with something else if you’re going to be in a small room with anyone else after you eat them. Cabbage farts linger …
Join the undieters crew to download the printable recipe card.
By Drew
Grilling a perfect steak* is all about getting a great crust without overcooking the inside. Which is easier if it’s thin rather than thick. That’s right — those nice thick steaks everyone loves are harder to cook right.
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