The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder
Ain’t that the truth.
I need to invite some friends over and make this.
[There is a video embedded in this post. If you don’t see it, come see it on the blog.]
Finally, from an online friend, there’s this.
And I think I’m losing something. I’m making grilled pizza. Homemade dough, some good sauce, onions, sweet red peppers, mozzarella cheese, and a little Italian sausage. Wife asks me what’s on the pizza. I tell her. She asks again. I tell her, again. She holds out the Italian sausage and asks what’s on the pizza. Not the sausage, apparently.
And now you damn whippersnappers are gonna laugh. Well, GET OFF MY LAWN!!!!
It’s best that I not admit how easily this could be me.